Prototyping Exercise / Design studio


  • générer des idées venues de points de vue variés dans une organisations
  • inclure le maximum de personnes dans un projet
  • clarifier les priorités de design (variante 3)
  • créer une culture web et UI commune


Variante 1 - objectif circonscrit, sans regroupement

Aperçu du déroulement

  1. Un objectif circonscrit (focused goal for the exercise) (ex: a checkout page for an eCommerce site)
  2. Three rounds (or roughly as many as you need, give or take — to reach an outcome) of time-based sketching.
  3. You’ll need paper, markers and a timer.

Déroulement détaillé

  1. Five minutes of solo, quiet sketching based on the defined goal.
  2. Focus on quantity, not quality, i.e. sketch as many ideas as you can, do not worry about if they are good or not.
  3. When the time is up, each person has a couple minutes to present their ideas and the group has a couple minutes for feedback. Time spent here is important as it adds to the overall time of the exercise. For example, for a group of five, round one can take 20 minutes easily.
  4. The group is encouraged to put a green checkmark next to ideas they think work very well so they can be referenced later.
  1. Same as round #1 except each participant is encouraged to steal one idea that they liked from another participant and fold it into their sketches.
  2. The focus becomes more about quality than quantity.
  1. Same as previous rounds except the third round is hypothetically the last round and participants are encouraged to focus on one sketch only that encompasses their best thinking as well as the best thinking from the group that they’d like to incorporate.

Source :

Variante 2 : plus de pages, regroupement des contributeurs

  1. Set an 8-up sketchboard template and pencil at each place where someone will be sitting.
  2. Instruct them that they have to come up with 6 or more prototype ideas for the problem at hand (e.g. a home page, a critical sub page, an application) on the sheet. They should do rough sketches with text and minimal annotation. Encourage them that anyone can sketch, and to use basic shapes (rectangles, lines, circles, triangles, arrows) if they feel challenged.
  3. Set a time limit. For the first round, 10 minutes or so is fine.
  4. Start the clock, and allow them to sketch. Game show or other similar music can add to the experience.
  5. At the end of the time limit, have each person pair up with someone who is not a member of their department of organization.
  6. Allow them to spend time presenting their ideas to each other, then critiquing those ideas. 2 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for critique should be sufficient for each person (10 minutes total.)
  7. While the discussion is taking place, hand out a 1-up sketchboard templates to each group.
  8. Have them collaborate on a new prototype sketch using the 1-up sketchboard template.
  9. Repeat steps 4 through 8, but each time have the groups combine into new groups that are twice the size of the previous. Groups of 2 become groups of 4, groups of 4 become groups of 8, and so on.
  10. Note: With larger groups, you may want easel size sticky notes for later prototypes, or have technology in place (digital camera or document projector) to display the prototypes on the screen.
  11. Once you are down to 2 – 4 large groups, do presentations and critiques for the entire group.
  12. Collect the sketches for review by your team.

source :

Variante 3 : décider des priorités ensemble au préalable

  1. Brainstorm du contenu : pendant 5 minutes, chacun dit ce qu'il faudrait voir apparaitre sur la page sur laquelle on travaille (homepage, par exemple) : donate form”, “find help near you”, “mission statement”, “our services”, “contact information”... On note chaque élément sur un post-it.
  2. Brainstorm des sensations de l'utilisateur : pendant 5 minutes, chacun dit ce que l'utilisateur doit ressentir en arrivant sur cette page : “empowered”, “not frustrated”, “educated”, “generous”, “part of a community”... On note chaque élément sur un post-it.
  3. Chacun établit ses priorités : A l'aide de stickers / gommette, que sais-je, chaque vote pour ces 5 contenus prioritaires, et ses 5 sensations prioritaires
  4. Décompte des priorités, on discute de ce qui a le + de voix
  5. Group sketching - round 1 : par paire, avec une feuille A4 pliée en 6, esquisser 6 concepts de page en 3 minutes, puis on discute de what they put on the page, in what order, and why they made the decisions they did.
  6. Group sketching - round 2 : toujours en 3 minutes, cette fois générer 4 concepts, en se basant sur les précédents concepts qu'on a esquissé ou ceux des autres groupes.

Source :




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